I am the daughter of two parents, the sister of one brother, the granddaughter of one grandfather, the niece of aunties and uncles, the cousin of many cousins...
I am the relationships, old and new,
I am the friendships that have stayed the course, and those that have come and gone,
I am the broken relationships and those that are mended,
I am the expectations of others...
I am the expectations of myself...
I am the places I have traveled, and those I hope to see,
I am the words spoken lightly, and the words meant to be mean,
I am the encouragement that comes from a loved one,
I am the smile that says it's alright,
I am the hope that remains constant in the heart of my parents,
I am the hurts, disappointments and failures,
I am the joy of successes, mine and others,
I am the books I have read, the films I have seen,
I am the music I write, and the music that I hear,
I am the words spoken in jest, and the words said to build,
I am the room that is a mess, but may yet be a place of refuge,
I am the decisions I have made, and those made for me,
I am the random stranger who showed me kindness,
I am the little child who loves to laugh (did I ever love to laugh?)
I am the 26.2!
I am the early mornings and the late nights,
I am the bus driver who stopped for me,
I am the text you sent me out of the blue,
I am the card you sent me to tell me thanks,
I am the flowers that sit on my desk,
I am the thoughts in my journals,
I am the conversations I have had and am yet to have,
I am the business ideas,
I am the random moments,
I am the plans I have made...
I am the art I have seen,
I am...
©J Whyne 2008
*A random musing inspired by a TV ad that crossed my mind an hour or so ago. If you want to see it, click the link: http://www.i-am-everyone.co.uk/i-am-everyone.html
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
A Question
I meant to pose a question at the end of yesterday's post:
Who would you give your last pages to? or What would be on your last pages?
Comments welcome, and I will endeavour to respond. Thank you
Who would you give your last pages to? or What would be on your last pages?
Comments welcome, and I will endeavour to respond. Thank you
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Book Intro
"Live each day as if it is was your last" Unknown
This is a quote I have heard, used, and probably abused.
Is it merely a sentiment that sounds good?
Is it a reason to live life recklessly?
Is it the why, to why some of us try to pack each day with as much fun or personal gratification as possible?
It has probably been the basis of all of the above, as each person who shares it with someone, hears it, or reads it, will have their own 'spin on it'. - Probably crafted by the different number of life experiences, lessons and thereby filters they unconsciously use to process it.
I'd like to believe, that it can it carry the weight of meaning it was probably (I hope) intended to convey... *
I see in it both an indictment and a challenge...
In response to both, I have set out to write 'The Last Pages'. If ever my last day comes and I have the time to be aware of it, I really want to have a limited list of things I wish I had said or done. - Post-it note size would be acceptable.
This isn't meant to be a bucket list or a 100 things to do before you... In fact, it may only mean some thing to me, and that's alright.
They are an assortment of scribbles, thoughts, ramblings, talks I

If they speak to you in anyway, I will see that as a bonus.
©J Whyne 2008
*Additional note - 12th January 2009:
A cool comment from Inkpot made me realise I didn't share what I hope the quote is intended to convey. So here's my hope, in the form of my response (slightly edited):
Hey Inkpot, thanks for the comment. The line: "It is funny you take 'Live every day as if it was your last' to mean pursue pleasure." stood out. I re-read the post because of this, and realise I didn't qualify my comment about liking to believe that it: "can carry the weight of meaning it was probably (I hope) intended to convey...". My thoughts about this line is more akin to yours, which is why I see it as both an indictment and a challenge. I have been gifted with life & time to give to others, serve them and have impact. I too often waste that time as I become comfortable with the fact that I wake up every morning and go about my daily business. - "Forgetting that tomorrow is not promised", I fail to live as if it was my last. So many unsaid things, so many books not written, ideas not followed through, dreams not realised/goals achieved... and I think a consequence of this, is somebody's life not changed or impacted in some positive way.
I don't come at this from thinking I am some guru type person. Rather, from my belief that we were all created to be in relationship with one another, having diverse gifts, personalities, etc that are meant to be used together. Complementing, supporting, and enabling each other, as we go through this journey of life that we have been gifted with, not just for our own individual benefit, but an even bigger purpose. Anyways, that's what I think, love to here more views!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
What are the last pages?

The title comes from a single comment made in the last scene of Lord of the Rings - Return of The King.
Sometime ago I was having my periodic Lord of the Rings moment, which means I was watching the trilogy back to back. On this occasion, I was struck by these words said by Frodo to Sam: "the last pages are for you Sam". He was saying goodbye, and his parting gift to Sam was the book telling of their adventures and exploits, and those of his Uncle Bilbo before them. - Earlier in the scene, when Sam commented that Frodo had finished the book, Frodo replies: "Not quite Sam, there's still room for some more."
It got me wondering who I would hand my last pages to, or who or what would fill them. I also thought it would make an excellent book title - I believe I have at least one book to write. (As a side note, I also realised on that occasion of watching, that Sam was the real hero of Lord of the Rings.)
The picture is one I found while doing a search on the phrase "The Last Pages". It actually carries that name, and was drawn by Belgian comic book artist Francois Schuiten. I thought it was quite interesting and seeing as its title matched the blog, and whatever may come after it, decided to add it in.
*If you're interested in seeing the scene in question, click the link below. - The particular line occurs approximately 4 minutes into the scene.
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